FatDieUs @ sgHawker

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FatDieUs @ sgHawker

Category: Estilo de vida: Bebida y comida

Version: 4

Date: 06/03/2016

Singapore is a food paradise. With our multi-racial nation, we are famous for our variety of cuisine ranging from Chinese, Malay, India, Japanese, Indian etc, you name it, we have it. From our local hawker, coffeeshop, café to restaurant, we hope to let you find some of the best Singapore local food.

As Singaporean, we speak Singlish. Some of my review will be in Singlish and I would explain the meaning while commenting on the food that I’m having.

Find good food and learn Singlish, what are you waiting for? Download our Apps now, it’s free!!!

Author: bryan.pan

OS: Android , iOS, Windows Phone

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