Love Test

Category: Entretenimiento

Version: 3

Date: 05/03/2016

Check how compatible you have with someone you love.
Each person has his soulmate and that person is one in a million.
How to know if the person you're feeling attraction is the right person for you?
Will you have success in love?
All influences the affinity of couples, lovers, boyfriends and marriages.
Aspects such as your names, your horoscope zodiac sign, your hobbies or your profession and of course your personality can be decisive when choosing your better half.
Other times, though all signs seem to indicate that you are made for each other does not usually have a good result, and that chance, fate or many other factors make the romance does not arise.
With this test, answering a few simple questions, you'll know if the person you want is compatible and measure your chances of success to get that love with you.


OS: Android , Windows Phone

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