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Category: Estilo de vida: Estilo y moda

Version: 1

Date: 13/09/2016

It is increasingly necessary that we use cheap stuff and they do something amazing, it's why I want today to give some great ideas for these fruit boxes , pallets and tables you have out there cast aside in a corner, not follow gathering dust and instead you can create with them amazing and useful furnishings.
Some of these creations do not require great experience, just be careful, skill and possibly a little help to make work faster.
Remember that you can always a carpenter help develop especially these ideas. I hope you like it!
A corner to yourself where you can relax, listen to music and have a good read.
To avoid throwing clothes everywhere, buy a pallet, color or paint it your favorite color and set it on the wall. Add some hooks to put your clothes after a tiring day at work or school.
A cute idea to separate your organic fruits vegetables.
If you do not know where to get them, go to any market or who buy your vegetables and ask if they can sell you some boxes. Should not, they can give you a good tip of where to get up close and at a good price.
Look how well is using them to separate products that do not use daily in your home.
A great way to accommodate your shoes and avoid not find even or lost under the bed.
In your yard or even in your room you could use them as shelves to place any type of item you use. If your room is white, we recommend paint pastel to create a happy and relaxing atmosphere.
Possibly the cheapest and most beautiful room in the world. Only they added some cushions for more comfort and voila!
Do not buy a table, save your money and yourself apply this idea. Best of all is that at the bottom can put your cell or books you read at night

Author: rodrigobuenaventura

OS: Android , Windows Phone

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