Category: Herramientas
Version: 6
Date: 25/03/2016
This app is an idea, a gesture, a concept and an inspiration that any one of the millions of us with a smart phone from ANY nation who download it to participate in a collective numerical show for the intention OR desire for World Peace.
That is our aim. to achieve well over 12000+ downloads that could give way to others who want to express their view in one of the smallest and easiest ways possible. This one number has the power to cause any one person or organsation review how we value peace globally as one nation, together.
The more downloads the bigger the show of interest in the actual desire for peace. Therein it is up to those moved as to what they do. It does not even matter if you download it and uninstall it. The fact will still show how many people did. If you enjoy the content and want to see how we develop this app later all in the intention of World Peace...keep a hold of it...
The World Peace App includes three incredible valuable things.
1) Our 'why' and how your 'do' is/was important for a hand show of World Peace .
2) Contact Us. We have given you ways to let us know how and what you are doing so we can grow the app into the potential reality we see and all your ideas to become one with ours.
3) Inspirational videos to restore and give you faith or courage in your ambition - in anything! They are really worth exploring.
Thank you for reading this and downloading the app. We hope you feel you in someway are part of all this can be and we wish you all the power in the world to ensure you are safe, well headed towards your peace.
Author: Inspring
OS: Android , Windows Phone