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Category: Estilo de vida: Bebida y comida

Version: 1

Date: 13/09/2016

Eating past 8 p.m. has gotten a bad rap. In reality, the reason you may have gained (or not been able to lose) weight probably has more to do with what you are eating and how much you are eating rather than the time of day you are eating. Noshing at night, if done healthfully, can offer some surprising benefits. Eating the right protein at night can help you build muscle while you sleep. Eating low-glycemic carbs at night can help control your blood sugar the next day and even help you regulate your appetite. Here we will show you fantastics snacks that are OK to eat at night. Some are not-so-guilty pleasures, some are great snacks to have after a light dinner and others make fantastic post-workout snacks (for those of you who work out at night).
When it comes to snacking within an hour or two of your bedtime, there's a few things to consider: First, research does link late-night calories to the potential for weight gain. One study found that eating right before turning in can make your snooze time more restless, and that sets you up for fatigue and bingeing the next day. Also, late-night noshing tends to be associated with stress eating, which leads to overindulging in high-fat comfort calories.
On the other hand, trying to catch shuteye when your stomach is making scary growling sounds isn't a smart idea, either. Your sleep quality will suffer, and you'll feel tired and famished in the morning—both of which can lead you to overdo it and mess up your healthy-eating plans. The solution: Reach for one of these low-calorie, sleep-inducing snacks that won't have you wake up feeling bloated.
While late-night eating may not be as bad for your waistline as you think, that doesn't mean that all snacks are created equal. The best late-night snacks are easy to digest — carbs are good but not too much fiber, protein, or fat — so you don't lie awake from feeling too full. But if your late-night eating includes buttery grilled cheese, ice cream, or gobs of peanut butter, here are a few healthier options for you. Make these low-calorie options ahead of time for quick snacking when the mood strikes!

Author: rodrigobuenaventura

OS: Android , Windows Phone

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