Category: Estilo de vida: Comunidad
Version: 26
Date: 10/03/2016
Five friends who have had a hard time from being ripped off by unscrupulous web people. they turned to me for help, and i now protect their interests and do all their programming online. there are about sixteen people i help this way. these five also have the rare distinction of working in a very unique environment where they are in the last ten per cent of their ilk worldwide. they are all experts in their field, and very hard people to source. were talking Bulgarian property, jaguar cars, ferrograph reel to reels and valve amps, cassettes, cassette tape and reel to reel tape new, and the awesome entity that is Kevein Hicks, History Squad CEO, Warwick Bowman, Blenheim Palace Redcoat, Robin Hood. He is astonishing. These pages put you in touch with these people, they are larger than life, scrupulously honest, and experts in their field. And fun.
Author: moggo3
OS: Android , iOS, Windows Phone