Pranayamas for Beginners

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Pranayamas for Beginners

Category: Salud y forma física: Forma física

Version: 1

Date: 11/10/2016

Basic Deep Breathing Exercises
Pranayama, most commonly known as deep breathing exercises, is a compound word with Pran and Ayama. Pran means breathing or respiration and Ayama means extension or expansion. Thus, Pranayama means extension of breath or life span. During pranayama the mind must concentrate on breathing process. According to the father of Modern Science Yoga, acquiring the skill of controlling and regulating the inhalation, exhalation and retention of breath is called “Pranayama”. Life exists in different systems (such as digestive system, nervous systems, circulatory systems etc.) and organs. Pranayama strengthens, protects and energizes them. If pranayama is practiced on a systematic and regular basis, almost all the diseases can be prevented and cured. It acts like a gateway to higher yoga and leads to realize your inner self. Also you don’t no need to spend a lot of time on making simple healthy recipes.
5 Most Effective Pranayamas : Deep Breathing Exercises
There pranayamas are simple, but very effective tool for relaxation. These simple deep breathing exercises must be done taking care of the preventive measures. Certain people suffering from delicate diseases must consult their physician before practicing these exercises. After practicing these, it is recommended to practice the acupressure therapy to enjoy all the benefits of acupressure points on your palms and feet.

Author: rodrigobuenaventura

OS: Android , Windows Phone

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