Category: Salud y forma física: Forma física
Version: 1
Date: 10/10/2016
Being insomniac can affect one’s physical and mental health condition by disturbing your regular sleep schedule. Many of us often have trouble in falling asleep and this can cause many physiological effects as told. These include loss of appetite, mental depression, slowed reaction time, delirium, dizziness and memory lapses which affects the immune system. It also wrecks havoc on physical appearance like dark circles, skin turning pale, making you sick and etc. This is where majority of the people get addicted to drugs or alcohol due to the severity. We all live in a fast paced environment and our senses are always being stimulated that affects our nervous system.
One needs to lower their stress levels, calm the mind and relieve the tension in your body in time. That’s where yoga comes in and practicing some yogasanas will help in overcoming restlessness and insomnia. They work effectively and work as a natural remedy in giving you enough sleep when practiced in the evenings or before bed time.
Author: rodrigobuenaventura
OS: Android , Windows Phone