Workout According to Your Personality

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Workout According to Your Personality

Category: Deportes

Version: 1

Date: 28/11/2016

Forget one-sized-fits-all routines.
Do you loathe spin classes? Are you utterly bored by the treadmill? You may want to blame your personality, and you wouldn’t be wrong to do so.
How you behave in your everyday life can play a significant role in your workout routine. It explains why some people thrive in Zumba while others rock the weight room. Research shows our personalities and even our moods can dictate the type of workouts we enjoy. For example, introverts may opt to work out solo, sociable people might enjoy group fitness classes, stressed out individuals may gravitate toward yoga, and so on.
Luckily, there are just as many workouts as there are personality types, which makes it incredibly easy to find a regime that fits perfectly into your lifestyle.
CrossFit, rowing, barre, OrangeTheory: They might all be hot workouts right now, but that doesn’t mean they’re ideal for you. In fact, finding the exercise that taps into your unique personality traits might be key to making fitness a permanent part of your lifestyle—after all, of people who make resolutions to shape up (and that’s two-thirds of us), half ditch their goals within six weeks, according to a Harris Interactive poll.
Knowing what motivates you, what you really enjoy doing, and how your personality affects your routine can help create lasting behavioral change so you stick with a routine. So what’s right for you? Put on your shrink-hat and read on.

Author: rodrigobuenaventura

OS: Android , Windows Phone

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