Race- training diet tips

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Race- training diet tips

Category: Deportes

Version: 1

Date: 02/10/2016

Think of your body like a car: You must put fuel in the tank to perform. Without enough fuel, you won't make it very far. Without quality fuel, you won't perform at your best.
For an active runner, the body needs to fuel with quality carbohydrates for energy, lean protein sources to balance blood sugar and provide nutrients to the muscle, and healthy fats to help moderate inflammation.
Before a run, focus on giving the body energy by topping off the "tank" one to four hours before with quality carbohydrates and refill fluid levels to prevent dehydration and avoid any gastrointestinal (GI) issues.
Quality carbohydrates include complex sources such as whole-grain bread, brown rice or oatmeal containing B vitamins, fiber and whole grains; or simple sources such as fruit, containing antioxidants, vitamins and water.
The recipe for a great pre-run meal: High carbohydrate plus moderate protein and low amounts of fat and/or fiber. For women training in the early morning or if you have less than 60 minutes before the run, try a liquid meal or snack for quick digestion.
Foods to avoid eating before a run
Avoid eating high-protein or high-fat food shortly before exercise, since these foods take longer to digest. High-fiber foods, higher-than-usual caffeine consumption or highly concentrated sugar (mixing sports drink powder in too little liquid) and/or dehydration can all cause GI issues.

Author: rodrigobuenaventura

OS: Android , Windows Phone

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