Plum Word Challenge

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Plum Word Challenge

Category: Entretenimiento

Version: 3

Date: 09/11/2016

Plum is a game of memory, skill, and luck. The goal is to find the missing letter for the previous word, not the current word, therefore testing your memory. If more than one answer is possible, your luck is tested to see if you land on the right guess. You can use your skills because most of the time, when more than one answer is possible, the one using the higher-value letter is the correct guess. But again, if you're not lucky, it just might be the other way around! What happens if you can't remember the last word? Just use the back button and try again! Or maybe not, because if you use the back button, you need to remember the missing letter of the word before the last, so 2 words prior. Can your memory be that good? Enjoy!

Author: brooklyne

OS: Android , Windows Phone

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