The best exercises for each muscle

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The best exercises for each muscle

Category: Deportes

Version: 1

Date: 20/11/2016

To what sure that in more than one occasion we have heard how important it is to suffer to obtain a good results in the trainings? The truth that to a certain extent this statement has a lot of truth. Therefore, and to make things easier, in this App we want to highlight the best exercises that will serve to achieve greater development of the muscle group worked.

It is true that most of these exercises are usually quite effective in achieving good muscle hypertrophy, but they can also be somewhat complicated by their development. Therefore, we recommend doing them always taking into account our capacity of response to adapt them to our physical condition.
There are exercises that are paramount to maximizing time and performance in the gym. Some exercises that you can not miss are: the squat, the dead weight, the presses and the dominadas, all they have to realize them with free weights.

Author: rodrigobuenaventura

OS: Android , Windows Phone

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