Discreet Dating

Category: Social networks

Version: 3

Date: 08/04/2017

Discreet Dating is an online dating application to find partner for chat, hang out and hook up. You are in the appropriate app for one night stand with the boy or girl of your choice.
Monotony is not part of our vocabulary in Discreet Dating, find your ideal partner and set a plan to meet and enjoy your time.
Life is one day, today, yesterday is behind us and tomorrow we never know, why dont´t we enjoy de moment the fullest we can.
If there is something we really take in serious in Discreet Dating is privacy, no matter if you married, have a boy or girl friend or just single you can only focus on enjoying your moment it the app as we built this fun, safe and secure platform only for you.

Author: Boukhaba07

OS: Android , Windows Phone

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